Thursday, June 2, 2016

Creating a Newsletter

During the years that I taught grades K to 5 I created a parent newsletter that was outrageously successful.  Parents commented that they loved knowing what their children would be doing for the week.

Benefits to Parents

  •  Aware of upcoming events
  •  Ability to encourage their child on skills being covered
  • Parenting tips
  • All weekly information in one place

Benefits to Teacher

  • Ongoing communication with parents
  • Parents help in practicing skills with their child
  • Homework schedule in parents’ hands

My newsletters changed throughout the years depending on the skill level of the children and the grade level I was teaching.

I started with a template that included a title bar at the top with a picture, my name at the bottom of the title bar and a place to add the date weekly.  The rest of the boxes had different borders and subtitles that I could easily change when needed.

Some of the regular sections included:  Reading, Math, Homework, Spelling, Teacher Tip or Educational Quote, Special News, Social Studies, Science, and Student of the Week.

Every Sunday afternoon I would sit down at my computer with my plan book and fill in the template adding cute pictures where appropriate.  At the time I would copy the newsletter to be sent home every Monday, but now you could post it online for parents.  My newsletter was a two sided single sheet.

When my school had Open House I would explain to parents how the parent newsletter could help their child.  They would know:
  • Weekly homework
  • Spelling words
  • How they could help their child in reading and math
  • Their child’s activity schedule

It is a lot of work, but the benefits outweigh the time spent working on the newsletter.

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